Thursday, May 27, 2010

Camel pie.

Looking at everyone else's blogs, with all their fancy pictures and some such makes mine look somewhat dull and boring. But I guess that's what comes from being lazy.
Getaway has some odd things sometimes, hence the title.

Don't expect anything insightful from me, I really cannot be bothered to write poems and stories lately. You can blame year 12 for that I guess.

I did draw something on the train on the way home from Dr Adcock's lecture-thingy-mabob on Sunday, but I didn't want it so I gave it to Claire. Perhaps she could scan it and I could post it?

As I sit here and twiddle my thumbs, I can't help but think. I'm not thinking about anything in particular, but just about things in general. The world, what I'm going to have for dinner tomorrow night, my cat (who is currently scratching at my door, meowing to be let in). Although I belong to Teen Waves (or soon will), I'm not really a teenager anymore, despite having -teen at the end of my name. I am legally an adult, that's a scary thought actually, me, an adult. Ha.

Damn cat is now purring and prancing around my desk, being arrogant as usual, breaking my train of thought.
Thanks a lot Xena, I completely forgot what I was going to say.
Oh well, I shall be off now and I shall leave you with a poem.

Pouncing on tiny bugs
That lurk in corners.
Taking up the entire bed
So I can barely move.
I barely put up with you
But I love you all the same.


Photo of Xena sleeping on my blazer.
She likes sleeping on various items of clothing.

1 comment:

  1. Enjoyed the rambling thoughts of this post! I have a feeling that blogging may just unveil a new you!
