Thursday, May 27, 2010

Cold feet.

I literally have cold feet, they are rather freezing.
I'm back again tonight, I guess I'm really getting into this blogging thing.

Brushing the hair from her face, she ventured further into the night, cold wind whipping her face.
Nothing could stop her from escaping now, nothing. As she wrapped her coat around her frail body, she blessed her luck, she was finally away from that place.
The night was silent, save for the whistling wind and the occasional owl hoot, it was a nice change from the racket of howling infants and children, yet it put her on guard, any slip up could cost her her life.
The crunching beneath her feet rang in her ears, setting her even more on edge, what if she was caught? She couldn't be caught, she had come this far! Several thoughts ran through her mind, if she was caught again she'd be punished severely, even more so than last time. The last girl who escaped didn't come back to her room, she couldn't let that happen to her.
A snap of a tree branch set her senses alight, making her turn her head sharply behind her. She stood still, her whole body freezing.
"H-hello?" she stupidly whispered.
A low hoot came from somewhere in the distance, causing her to jump. She relaxed when she realised what had made the noise and continued walking.
Twenty minutes later she stopped to take a sip from her flask that hung around her waist. Despite the cold, she was beginning to break out in a sweat. As she wiped the sweat from her brow, a low, rumbling growl came from directly behind her. Frozen in fear, she slowly turned her head, meeting two brilliant green almond shaped eyes.
Then, in the same, rumbling growl, a voice murmured:
"Nice to finally meet you Amelia."

Just something that came to me a few minutes ago, feels good to be actually writing again.


Camel pie.

Looking at everyone else's blogs, with all their fancy pictures and some such makes mine look somewhat dull and boring. But I guess that's what comes from being lazy.
Getaway has some odd things sometimes, hence the title.

Don't expect anything insightful from me, I really cannot be bothered to write poems and stories lately. You can blame year 12 for that I guess.

I did draw something on the train on the way home from Dr Adcock's lecture-thingy-mabob on Sunday, but I didn't want it so I gave it to Claire. Perhaps she could scan it and I could post it?

As I sit here and twiddle my thumbs, I can't help but think. I'm not thinking about anything in particular, but just about things in general. The world, what I'm going to have for dinner tomorrow night, my cat (who is currently scratching at my door, meowing to be let in). Although I belong to Teen Waves (or soon will), I'm not really a teenager anymore, despite having -teen at the end of my name. I am legally an adult, that's a scary thought actually, me, an adult. Ha.

Damn cat is now purring and prancing around my desk, being arrogant as usual, breaking my train of thought.
Thanks a lot Xena, I completely forgot what I was going to say.
Oh well, I shall be off now and I shall leave you with a poem.

Pouncing on tiny bugs
That lurk in corners.
Taking up the entire bed
So I can barely move.
I barely put up with you
But I love you all the same.


Photo of Xena sleeping on my blazer.
She likes sleeping on various items of clothing.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Let the ranting begin!

Welcome to the first of, I hope, many rants.
What's the deal with airline peanuts? Ha, as if.
More like: What's the deal with comedians ranting about airline food? Get over it! Bring your own food! Easily solved.

As I'm writing this, Nathaniel decided to show me his origami frog. We are a rather productive Physics class as you can tell.

Alright, that's enough of my introduction, now for my rant.
It may seem weird that I am ranting about this particular thing, but, meh.

Am I disgusting if I burp? Possibly. Although in some cultures it is a sign of appreciating your food. Why can't we appreciate our food the way our body wants to? It seems to be a little more socially acceptable for persons of the male variety to belch during drinking contests or just in general. Why not for females? Of course we can just express our thanks for our meal verbally, but of course that would take the fun out of it.
Who decided that burps are not socially acceptable? Did our society in general decide upon this?
In my family, we don't care about such social niceties. Sure, we don't use our food as projectiles or smear it on our faces to make amusing fake moustaches (that often), but such trivial things as belching we pay no mind to.
My grandmother told my father that his frequent belching would come back to haunt him. And it has, in the form of me. Of course this is the grandmother that once threw her underwear at Tom Jones in concert.

Enough of that rant, for now.

What does it mean to be socially acceptable?
Everybody may be socially acceptable in their own way. Perhaps some more than others. I don't think you need to be a sheep to be classified as socially acceptable.
There is one key thing that helps. Confidence.
You could be the most foul mouthed person in the world and still be socially acceptable. Well, that's what I gather anyway.
Of course I could be wrong, I often am about social standings.

I wished to create this blog in hopes of not being pretentious, but still be somewhat interesting.
There are too many people who blog, and whine. (Although this is exactly what I plan to use this for.) They all share the same tone reminiscent of Gen-X. Although I do quite like whiny Gen-X music, so this doesn't make me any better than whiny teenagers from the 80's and 90's.

This blog has been a bit of a muddle I must admit. Next time I promise something a little more, shall we say...substantial? No, that's not the word.. Organised. Yes, that's the one.

I am afraid you will have to part from me for just a little while longer.
Yes, I'm sorry too.
